HUBER Micro Tamis RoDisc®

  • Filtration très fines des matières en suspension dans l’eau
  • Applications principales : filtration tertiaire en sortie de clarification avant désinfection UV, traitement du Phosphore et des micro algues, traitement d’eau pour irrigation
  • Faible emprise au sol, faible pertes de charges
  • Débits jusqu’à 1500 m³/h par unité
  • Maille de filtration : à partir de 10 μm et plus

Le micro tamis HUBER RoDisc® a été développé pour tamiser très finement jusqu’à 1 500 m3/h d’eau usée à travers des toiles d’ouverture 10 µm et plus par tamis. Ce procédé est particulièrement adapté au filtrations poussées de débits importants d’eaux usées ou de surface. En raison de sa compacité et de sa conception modulaire, HUBER peut vous proposer une solution adaptée aux besoins de votre projet.


The RoDisc® Rotary Mesh Screen is utilised for the separation of fine suspended material within municipal and industrial applications. The modular screen design allows for easy retrofitting of additional filter surface areas to meet the ever increasing throughput requirements. For example within municipal applications with preliminary screening and preceding biological treatment a throughput capacity of up to 1500 m³/h can be achieved with 20 filter discs.

This ultra fine screen works on the basis of the well-proven drum filter principle. The screen consists of horizontally arranged rotating filter discs installed on a central shaft and are submerged by up to 60% with each filter disc consisting of individual stainless steel segments covered with a square mesh. The wastewater to be treated flows through the segments from inside to outside and the filtrate is discharged at the inlet end of the screen.



The user's benefits

  • Screening with a defined separation size
  • provided by a square mesh
  • Gravity system (no lifting of wastewater required)
  • Low headloss, gravity filtration
  • High hydraulic throughput capacity
  • No external wash water supply required
  • Effluent standards are reliably met.
  • Reduced wastewater discharge charges
  • Reduction of filterable solids, COD, BOD, phosphorus
  • For installation within a stainless steel tank or in customer's concrete tank
  • Compact, enclosed design
  • Continuous operation principle



Schéma de principe

Schéma de principe


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